Archetypal Shamanic Energy Medicine – ASEMTM
In Her Name
Priestess - Initiation
November 2021 – July 2022
Nine Month Advanced Women’s Mysteries Online Study Program
Sacred matriarchal cosmologies and Woman’s Mysteries Teachings can be found woven throughout ancient cultures across the world. In this illuminating course, we will explore the Wisdom Teachings of the Great Mother Goddess via the energetic Archetypes of The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone.
Open to the archetypal wisdom of the Sacred Feminine held within our myths, songs, sacred sites and by the Earth Mother Herself. Receive core concepts and definitions of foundational ASEMTM techniques. Learn to energetically identify and release karmic imprints.
Align to the vibrational consciousness of the Earth Mother and the Sacred Feminine archetypes and transform and empower your Soul’s journey on the Earth Walk.
Please email a Letter of Application and your Curriculum Vitae for consideration to Gaisheda Kheawok.

Course Dates: