The Whispering Song Energy Medicine Clinic Toronto
Archetypal Shamanic Energy MedicineTM – ASEMTM is one of the most powerful forms of Energy Healing Therapies today and is the gateway to transforming and evolving frequencies to their state of ultimate balance.
For over 35 years, The Whispering Song Energy Medicine Clinic in Toronto offers safe, private and professional Energy Medicine consultations in the following areas:
Clinical Energetic Assessments
Based on Energy Psychology approaches and the human energy field, a Clinical Energetic Assessment supports you in deepening your awareness and evolving energy patterns held within the 4 Lower Bodies (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual).
Holistic Therapeutic Tribal Counselling
Traditional mindful therapeutic counselling based on the Tribal Traditions. Addressing the 4 Lower Bodies (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual), with emphasis on the evolution of the Mental and Emotional Bodies and creating a safe, healing environment and sustainable holistic wellness.
Energy Medicine Sessions and Shamanic Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine Sessions—Energy Psychology
An Energy Medicine Session supports the evolution of the Four Lower Bodies, utilizing Energy Psychology protocols and evidence-based mindfulness techniques, to support individuals in learning and embracing Energy Medicine as a tool to support and empower holistic health plans.
Shamanic Energy Medicine Sessions
For current facilitators or those with basic knowledge of Energy Medicine. Utilizing Archetypal Shamanic Energy Medicine™ (ASEM™), the individual is guided on an extraordinary shamanic journey deep within the Inner Landscape of the Soul. Addressing karmic issues in a healing environment, honouring and respecting all traditions and belief systems.
Thirteen Canoes® Soul Consultations
In Energy Medicine, the Soul teaches us through Vibration, Image and Colour. Based on the Thirteen Canoes® Seneca and Celtic Wisdom Wheels, a Soul Consultation is a reading of your Soul and your gifts of birth, representing your intuitive wisdom. A Soul Reading is an honest, compassionate and empowering exploration of the Soul’s wisdom and journey.
Shamanic Group Alchemies
Energy Medicine says, “All of the issues are the same, but the dramas are different.” ~G.K. Acknowledging that the cycles of the Earth impact our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellness, we learn to work in harmony with the celestial bodies, i.e. The Sun and Moon Cycles, to collectively move our individual journeys on a Soul level through the 4 Lower Bodies (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual), and making the marriage between the Soul and the personality.