All Things Come From The Mother

In Shamanic Energy Medicine this is the primary vibrational frequency that connects us to the Creation Story. The Sacred Feminine Principle is for both Women and Men and it is known as the Blessing. We Say: When we open to the Blessings we allow ourselves to align to the Great Mother. When we open to HER we open to our Intuitive Wisdom and Gifts of Birth.


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“In the Celtic and Tribal Traditions, the foundation of our Earth Walk is that That All Things come from The Mother.

In Shamanic Energy Medicine this is the primary vibrational frequency that connects us to the Creation Story. The Sacred Feminine Principle is for both Women and Men and it is known as the Blessing. We Say: When we open to the Blessings we allow ourselves to align to the Great Mother. When we open to HER we open to our Intuitive Wisdom and Gifts of Birth.

In this time of prophecy we are being Awakened from the unconscious dream. This Shamanic Alchemy CD is to support your Awakening and your Connection to the Sacred Feminine Principle.

May you come to know and remember Her. May you let go of what no longer serves you. May you trust that she is your one true Mother and that all things come from Her. “

Facilitated by Gaisheda Kheawok, Medicine Person, Peace Elder and Master Meditation Teacher, Whispering Song School of Energy MedicineTM.

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Additional information

Weight0.25 kg
Dimensions5 × 5 × 0.5 cm

CD, MP3 Download