Honouring the Spring Renewal and the Wisdom of Beltane

Beltane - A Celtic Wisdom Wheel Online Event

via Zoom

Come Celebrate the Wisdom of the Soul’s Sacred Union as we learn to Journey into your own inner Wisdom. Deepen your connection to Your-self and others in this Mystical and Inspiring Spring Time Event.



Beltane is a cross quarter holiday honouring the magic of Spring and the Soul’s Awakening.  This Spring time portal celebrates relationships – the Alchemical Dance between the Sacred Feminine and The Sacred Masculine, and the Awakening of the Earth Mother and the Magic of the Sun King.   

Spring, known as the festival of LOVE, Relationships, Handfasting, Renewal of Vows and Connections, honours the wisdom of the Soul’s Sacred Union and The Sacred Marriage from Within.  

Learn the Shamanic Path and Wisdom of the Soul’s Sacred Marriage, via the archetypes of the Green Man, The Green Maiden, Artemis of the Forest, Lugh the Celtic Son God, Merlin and Morgana. Learn the alchemy of The Yin and The Yang.  

Saturday April 30, 2022
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Meditation, Blessing and Teachings

Opening The Beltane Gate  – Honouring and Fertilizing the Spring Seeds

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Reflection Time
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Shamanic Group Alchemy (optional)

New Moon in Taurus

Sunday May 1, 2022
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Beltane New Moon Group Alchemy (included)

Honouring the Sacred Marriage From Within

Attend a Group Alchemy only

Beltane Online Retreat – April 30, 10:00 AM

Saturday, Apr 30, 2022 10:00 AM
